“Wayne’s Cup has given our daughter Marissa an opportunity to learn important life skills and work in a caring and nurturing environment.
She has the opportunity to develop her self-confidence and independence while interacting with an encouraging staff and serving the local community.
Marissa is steadily building skills that will ultimately lead to a productive and fulfilling life.
Our sincere thanks go out to Shelley and the staff of Wayne’s Cup for truly demonstrating a caring commitment and making a positive, life-changing impact not only on our daughter, but other truly wonderful people.”
Colleen & Adriano La Civita
Marissa’s Parents
“My son Ethan is 21, and is thriving with his participation at Wayne's Cup. His increase in confidence is evidenced by his growing ability to participate in a group setting. He looks forward to his time with his new friends at Wayne's Cup and he is visibly proud of his work, when recounting his activities there. Ethan is living with autism and a developmental delay. Without this meaningful opportunity, he would be sheltered at home with a caregiver. Thank you to Wayne's Cup for caring and making a difference in the lives of those who need you.”
Micole Rubinoff
Ethan's Mother
“When our daughter graduated from high school, her father and I were faced with the agonizing decision of where she might fit in and continue to learn, with the goal of her entering the workforce. The options available were bleak, until I came across an article in our community newspaper featuring Wayne’s Cup. When I first met Shelley, I immediately felt a kinship with her. Wayne’s Cup has given my daughter an opportunity to continue to learn and to interact with the community. Without Wayne’s Cup, the future for my daughter would have been uncertain and unfulfilling. Thank you to Shelley and Mark for creating a safe working environment and for the continued learning opportunities.”
Shandra M. Barrow
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