Day programs for adults with special needs


    It's not about the coffee, it’s about the hands that serve it


    Equipping our students with the skills to improve their quality of life


Day Programs for Adults With Special Needs

Wayne's Cup is a not-for-profit café and life skills centre in Markham, Ontario. We are dedicated to the development of adults with special needs which includes, but is not limited to, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger syndrome and developmental delay.

Our Vision

To provide a safe workplace environment, that will deliver a real purpose and greater independence to the lives of adults with special needs.

Our Mission

Wayne's Cup is a fully operational café and life skills centre, which focuses on the development of adults with special needs. We provide supportive training to develop their skills in all aspects of the running of a café, as well as teaching life skills, while delivering a fun working environment which promotes social interaction.

Shelley & Wayne's Story

Wayne and Shelley Daffu

My son Wayne was born with epilepsy and is developmentally delayed. As a result, I left my job to focus on his development, which included setting up a strict schedule, with an emphasis on his speech and understanding of language. With a great deal of repetition and perseverance, Wayne has made tremendous strides in his development.

High quality special needs programs for adults over the age of twenty-one are few and far between, and although some may be lucky enough to find employment, the vast majority are left with little to do but sit and watch TV as life passes them by.

It is tremendously sad to watch your own son, with no sense of belonging, watch as his sibling leaves school, goes to university and joins the workforce, while his life remains at a standstill.

Wayne was fortunate to become a volunteer at his beloved Montessori School. This gave him a real sense a belonging and purpose to his life. It was this that led us to the idea of developing somewhere with a program where adults like Wayne could go, and the concept of Wayne's Cup was born.

Shelley Daffu

A Video Introduction to Wayne's Cup
Recent Posts from Our Blog
Sean Paul with Wayne Daffu at Wayne's Cup
by Shelley Daffu 23 February 2017
A huge thank you to Jamaican born dancehall superstar and music producer Sean Paul, for coming in to meet the staff and students at Wayne's Cup on Wednesday 22 February, and for presenting us with a signed copy of his latest single.
Cheque presentation to Shelley Daffu by Eugene Chan of Meridian Credit Union
by Shelley Daffu 19 February 2017
Today, we are launching a new page on our website to thank our principal supporters.
The team at Wayne's Cup Markham Ontario
by Shelley Daffu 22 February 2016
Our blood, sweat, and quite a few tears have finally paid off and the team here at Wayne's Cup are proud to announce that we will be opening our doors on 29 February 2016.
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